Associate Professor Levin Kuhlmann

Levin is an Associate Professor of Data Science, AI and Digital Health in the Faculty of Information Technology at Monash University.

His research applies computational neuroscience, machine learning, neuro-engineering and neuroimaging methods to understand how the brain works and how it processes information at multiple scales, from neuron to whole brain, in order to create our conscious experiences of the world. Importantly, he is interested in utilising this understanding to improve diagnostics, interventions and therapies for brain-related medicine and digital health.

Recent work has been focused on understanding the mechanisms of loss of consciousness via anaesthesia by studying simultaneous electroencephalography (EEG)/magnetoencephalography (MEG) recordings, and using neural inference techniques to estimate and image anaesthetic-induced neurophysiological changes in the human brain. This involves studying the effects of different anaesthetics and searching for a common brain network that is affected with the aim of finding a ‘backbone’ for the generation of consciousness.

Finding a way to forecast epileptic seizures has been one of Levin’s other main areas of research. Taking a novel approach to advancing the cause of epilepsy research, he created to share data from brain implants and wearables and to crowdsource and compare different forecasting algorithms. In addition to this platform he has contributed to the development of state of the art seizure forecasting methods.

Other specific research includes:
1. Machine learning for physiological monitoring and epilepsy diagnosis – to evaluate existing techniques involved in detection of epileptiform activity as well as focus on novel seizure detection methods and data augmentation and clinical text report generation.

2. Multimodal AI to predict epileptic seizure freedom and provide anti-epileptic drug recommendations

3. Using neural inference to understand the mechanisms of epileptic brain networks.

4. Model-based depth of anaesthesia monitoring – tracking of brain states from electroencephalographic signals while inferring underlying physiological changes.

5. NeuroAI – adopting macroscale brain principles and applying them in the context of deep learning neural networks.

6. Brain network mechanisms underlying psychedelic-induced alterations of consciousness ¬– by studying the effects of different anaesthetic potencies and searching for a common brain network that is affected, the aim is to find a ‘backbone’ for the generation of consciousness.

7. STDP in the context of AI and deep neural network applications.

Why does consciousness research matter?

An understanding of consciousness, and the mechanisms that create our experience of the world and our place within it, is more important than ever before. Significant to our everyday lives, consciousness research has far reaching implications for: